ACC-FR120 – fire rated access door (Insulated)
August 12, 2023
IOTA R – round ceiling diffuser
August 28, 2023Verso – swirl diffuser
Square and Round Verso Ceiling Swirl Diffusers have been designed to provide attractive, non-obtrusive, high quality indoor air diffusion.
Swirl diffuser is generally used in high ceiling applications of up to 4.5m. The supply air rapidly mixes with the room air in a swirling pattern. Swirl diffuser is available in both fixed and adjustable blade pattern. The design of swirl diffuser is aesthetically appealing and chosen by several architects.
Swirling air discharge offers elevated induction, swift blending, prompttemperature homogenization, and a gentle room air movement. The blade angleensures superb horizontal air distribution, and coupled with the Coanda effect, thediffuser stands as an optimal choice for Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems. Incorporating acoustic foam within the plenum enhances indoor air quality (IAQ). The circular plenum design facilitates efficient air discharge, minimizing turbulence, pressure loss, and generated noise. With two interface options, it harmonizes withdiverse ceiling profiles. The compelling IAQ and indoor climate aspects serve as outstanding selling points to bolster tenancy promotion.
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