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Февраль 16, 2023
Blue-RC4 – round volume control damper tightness class versions acc. to EN 1751
Март 13, 2023Blue-R – round volume control damper
Категории: Airflow management, Control dampers
Round volume control dampers type ‘Blue-R’, are used for air volume and pressure control in round ducted HVAC system. They are made out of galvanized steel sheet. Damper can be operated manually or equipped with electric actuator (24V or 230V) with or without position indicator.
-Blue-R units are made from galvanised sheet steel casing and galvanised blades.
-Available in stainless steel and aluminium upon on request.
-Tightness class version acc to EN1751 (Optional)
-Open/close, continuous, fast acting and spring return actuators options
-Operation: Δpmax = 1000 Pa; tmax = 200 °C
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